Friday 4 October 2013


    So considering I just started writing a Blog, suggested by my friend Terri from Coyote Ugly. We've decided to do the "Best Friend Survey". Please check her blog out if your interested into Womens fashion and makeup styles. Also if you like to keep up with the latest trends then go visit her blog. 

What is your best friend's name?: Terri
What are their siblings name?: Connor
Where were they born?: Newcastle
Where do they live now?: Gateshead
How long have you known them?: 5 Year

Hanging out:
How often do you hang out with them?: Nearly every day! 
Where do you guys go?: Town or eachothers house's
What do you like to do for fun: Cinema, Movies, Drink, Eat Alot
What is your best memory with them?: First getting Drunk together (Very Funny)

Have you met their family?: Yeah
Do you like their parents?: Yeah but her mam called me lazy
What about their siblings?: Yeah but don't talk much
Have your parent's met?: Yes

Do you guys argue?: Nope 
Have you every said "i love you"?: yes just this second
Where do you see yourselves?: Friends For a long time!
What do really think of them?: We can always have a laugh
What is your favorite about them?: Maybe it's the way she walks
What is your least favorite thing about them: She is obsessed with One Direction
Have you ever kissed them?: Yes then she blew me off for a bag of chips

Who is..?:
Funnier: Me
Nicer: Terri
Smarter: Terri
Prettier: Terri
Can Sing Better: Me
Can Dance Better: Me
Has Nicer Parents: Terri
Talks More: Terri
Cries More: Terri

What Nicknames Did You Have For Them?: Tezza
What Nicknames Do They Have For You?: I don't have one.
What is there overused Phrase?: Oh Leonardo
What Annoys You The Most?: Her Love For One Direction
What Do You Love The Most?: Her humour
Do You Ever Miss Them?: No I See Her Too Often
How did you know you's guys were best friends?: No idea haha!

What is their favorite?:
TV Show?: Skins
Movie?: Titanic
Food?: Chinese Takeaway
Sport?: Football
Colour?: Green
Restaurant?: Toby's
Hobbie?: Blogging
Song?: Beautiful People - Chris Brown

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